Our Services

  • Wholesale & Retail sales

  • Landscaping

  • Sale of fruit trees, plants in general (foliage, annuals)

  • Sale of SOD and advice for its care

  • Sale of pots, garden accessories and fertilizers.

  • We transplant your plants at home.

  • We advise all our visitors from zero to buy their plants, whether they are indoors or outdoors, for the office, for the home, for all seasons that resist the high and low temperatures of each season or simply to give a gift, all of this in accordance to every need.

  • We also advise those who already have their plants and are facing difficulties with them, whether due to pests, fungi, etc. We provide support to solve it and in extreme cases we have the Plant Hospital (infographic),

  • What is Plant Hospital: the plant is received, we take care of it and we teach the client to take care of it to return home.

  • Advice on plant care products